Job interviews can be a daunting experience. Not only do you need to strive to make a good impression on the interviewer, but also sell yourself as the right person for the job. Even the most experienced and confident candidates can get jitters when put under pressure which can be detrimental to their performance. Fortunately, there are techniques you can deploy that can help you to overcome your nerves and present yourself in the best possible light.

Prepare and practice

One of the best ways to overcome job interview jitters is to prepare effectively. Researching the company, the role and the interviewer can help you to feel more confident and comfortable. Go through the job description and make a list of all the necessary skills that are required for the position and be prepared to explain how you meet these requirements.

One of the most important things you can do is practice your answers to common interview questions. You can anticipate questions such as ‘what are your strengths and weaknesses?’ or ‘why are you interested in this position?’. By doing research on the company and the position you can also prepare examples from your previous experiences that demonstrate your skills and qualifications. Remember to ask friends, family and colleagues to test you and help you to articulate your answers in a concise and effective manner.

It is also important to review your CV. Be familiar with its content and be ready to explain any gaps or inconsistencies in your work history. This will prepare you for any questions that may have formed once your CV was reviewed and you will be able to demonstrate that you are organised, open and thorough.

Use positive self-talk and visualisation

The way you talk to yourself can have a significant impact on your level of confidence and anxiety during the interview. Instead of telling yourself negative messages, focus on positive self-talk. Remind yourself of your strengths and accomplishments and tell yourself that you can succeed in the interview. You can also visualise yourself performing well and succeeding in the interview, as this can help you to feel more confident and positive going into the interview.

Another effective technique is to focus on your breathing. Deep breathing is a simple but powerful tool for reducing anxiety and calming nerves. Taking a few deep breaths before the interview and focusing on slow, steady breathing throughout the interview can help you feel more relaxed and in control.

Practice mindfulness

Mindfulness is the practice of being present in the moment and non-judgmentally observing your thoughts and feelings. Practicing mindfulness before your interview can help you to feel more cantered and less anxious. A simple mindfulness exercise you can try is counting your breaths or focusing on a single object in the room.

Another way to practice mindfulness is to imagine that you are an objective observer of your thoughts and feelings. By doing this, you can observe any negative or anxious thoughts that come up during the interview without getting caught up in them. This can help you to stay calm and focused during the interview.

In conclusion, job interviews can be stressful, but by preparing and practicing, using positive self-talk and visualisation and practicing mindfulness, you can overcome interview jitters and present yourself as the best candidate for the job. Remember there is a reason why the interviewer has decided to organise this conversation. They have seen your CV and have the need of someone with your abilities. This means you have many of the required skills already and just need to show you are confident and someone they can work with into the future. Use these techniques, be confident and show them that you are all these things and more. Good luck!